Handspring Visor Neo

Handspring Visor Neo
Handspring Visor Neo
Handspring Visor Neo

The Visor Neo was my favorite PDA. I got it back in 2001. It wasn't nearly as capable as the Wi-Fi-enabled Palm LifeDrive I had years later in college, but it was lightweight, ran forever on just two AAA batteries, came with a nice hard screen protector, and of course came with a great smoked transparent body that I loved.

The Visor Neo was a relatively low-end model from Handspring with a 33 MHz Motorola processor, 8 MB of memory, and a monochrome display running Palm OS 3.5. However, it had one trick up its sleeve compared to other PDAs on the market: the Springboard expansion slot unique to Handspring devices. While I never took advantage of it, there were companies selling add-on modules for camera, GPS, modems, and more.

Compared to today, it couldn't do much. There was no real connectivity out of the box (aside from the IR port). If you wanted something on it, you'd have to put it in the cradle and sync it with a computer.

At the time though, the hottest PDAs to me were always the ones by Sony with their Clie line. They had models with flip color displays, Wi-Fi, hardware keyboards, and cameras.

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