Not much to say today other than I'm now 23 years of age! Posting around here has been a little slow and will continue to be for a while. I caught some virus and have had fever for the last week and according to the ER doctor at the hospital, it'll be another week or two 4-6 weeks before I get my energy back. In the meantime, I'll be playing Flight Control in bed with my shiny new iPhone 3GS.

I've got a lot of good post ideas in the pipeline, including a simple HDR photo how to. As always, you can suggest things for me to blog about on my Skribit profile. We just rolled out some big Skribit updates last week with more on the way. I also recently created a frequently updated Stuff I Use page to keep track of applications, services and hardware I regularly use. TextExpander and Fever were the most recent additions (both recommended). Any other apps or services I should check out?

As always, thanks for reading and subscribing to PSTAM this year!

Related: Turning 20, 21, 22

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