Today I turn 22 years old. In the last year I have done a lot of things I'm happy about but I won't dwell on them here. I'm looking to the future and especially this upcoming year. I only have 5 classes left at Georgia Tech until I receive my degree and I have already completed the harder Computer Science half of my major. I'm taking 2 summer classes now so I will only have 3 classes in the Fall and will technically be listed as a part-time student.

I'll take this time to talk about something I have been working on recently, my first real speaking gig. I was invited to speak at TTI/Vanguard's Generation Techs conference in Rome, Italy. I leave in about a week or so and my talk is called "Tales from a Digital Native." I will be discussing how technology is closely integrated with my life and that of other so-called digital natives, and how I leverage web-based services and the power of the Internet to get work done. I'd tell you more but I'm still coming up with my slides.

I will be in Rome a few days after the conference so I will have some time to explore the city on my own. Nikon and the MWW Group lent me a Nikon D300 DSLR to tinker with so I'll be coming back with some nice photos.

Also, I was recently contacted by NBC. They are looking to do a piece on Startup Weekend and want to interview me briefly about Skribit to show what a Startup Weekend can lead to. I'll let you know what happens with that.

So yeah, I've been keeping busy. Thanks for reading.

Oh and happy birthday to Facebook product designer Rob Goodlatte who also celebrates his 22nd birthday today.

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