There are several milestones for kids growing up in the US. There's the 16th birthday which is when you can get your driver's license, the 17th birthday when you can view R rated movies, the 18th birthday when you are legally an adult and then there's the 21st birthday. On your 21st birthday you can legally purchase and consume alcoholic beverages as well as enter 21 and up establishments/bars/etc. Then there is the pseudo-milestone of the 25th birthday when you can rent a car without any restrictions.

The past year has proved to be great for this blog as I doubled subscribers and starting pumping out higher quality articles and reviews. Some of you may be thinking how I can keep up this blog and school and frankly I don't know how I do it either. I ended up earning Faculty Honors (got all A's) last semester though, so I'm doing something right.

Today I turn 21, the day after iDay, which was also my Greek name day. I have never been so excited about a birthday as much as this one. So now I ask of you, what are your favorite alcoholic beverages? Cheers.

Oh and Happy Birthday to Rob Goodlatte, Duke student and Newsvine intern extraordinaire, who also turns the big 21 today.

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