I randomly stumbled upon Joe Tan's website from a reader's blog and discovered his amazing new WordPress plugin, Flickr Post Bar. The plugin adds a bar similar to Flock's Flickr topbar and allows you to add your Flickr images to WordPress posts. As you have probably noticed, my articles and guides feature many screenshots and images so Flickr Post Bar is just about my best friend. Update: I emailed the Mr. Tan to see if it would be possible to get the a href text to link to the original image size instead of the flickr page. Here's his reply:

To link to the original static file instead, you need to open up the file post-bar-form.html, and then on line 43, change <?=photo['photoUrl'];?> to this... <?=photo['photoSizes']['Original']['source'];?>

Handcrafted by Stammy for 19.54 years · Comments