Logi Litra Glow

Logi Litra Glow

My room doesn't have the best natural light and my desk lamps didn't quite light up my face well, so I was in the market for a camera light. I didn't want to do a large setup that would take up even more space. I was looking for something that would just rest on my display and connect via USB-C so I wouldn't have to deal with another thing to plug into an outlet.

I found the Logi Litra Glow and it's been great. With its software it can also turn itself on and off when you use your webcam. The build quality isn't amazing, and the clip it uses to attach to your display leaves a lot to be desired but for the ~$50 price point it doesn't bother me too much.


Handcrafted by Stammy for 19.54 years · Comments