Every year, TIME magazine creates a list that showcases the most influential people who shape our world. Only 100 people can make the cut and TIME recently unveiled a list of 200 people from which the top 100 will be narrowed down. Go out and vote for people you deem worthy. As of this writing, the top 10 people are Stephen Colbert, Shigeru Miyamoto, J.K. Rowling, Sidney Crosby, Bono, Steve Spangler, Steve Jobs, Jon Stewart, Angelina Jolie and Sanjaya Malakar.

I voted for Steve Jobs, Michael J. Fox (how can you not love Back to the Future?), Rachel Ray (30-minute meals are great for the college life), YouTube's Steve Chen & Chad Hurley, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, Simpson's creator Matt Groening and a few others. Who will you be voting for?

As long as we're on the subject of voting, Houstonian tech guru Erica O'Grady needs some help to claim the Blogger's Choice Award for Best Geek Blog. Also, Darius from COLOURlovers is trying to grab the title for Best Community Website of 2007 against big guys like del.icio.us, Flickr, Threadless and Yahoo! Answers.

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