I just emailed all the users of my first startup, Skribit, saying that we will be pulling the plug. For those interested, here is the notice I sent:

[Notice: This is the last email you'll ever receive regarding Skribit. I will personally nuke the 20,621 user email list. - @Stammy]

On July 31st, 2011, Skribit will be closing its doors. Skribit started several years ago at Atlanta Startup Weekend in November 2007 and has had a good run. As a refresher, Skribit aimed to aid writer's block by allowing bloggers to receive post suggestions from their readers, while helping readers keep track of what their favorite blogger's were working on.

Unfortunately, Skribit traction was not as impressive as we had hoped and Skribit had become more of a niche solution for a small percentage of bloggers. Over the past few years, 45,162 blog post suggestions have been completed through Skribit, 2,346 of which were completed/blogged. The vast majority of Skribit users did not receive suggestions from their readers for various reasons. Only 1,214 blogs had more than 3 active suggestions.

We stopped actively developing Skribit last Spring and decided to pursue other opportunities. Thanks for being part of Skribit! We are in the process of refunding current PRO users. We wouldn't have been able to keep Skribit running for so long if it wasn't for a seed investment from Georgia Tech's Edison Fund and lots of advising from Lance Weatherby of the Georgia Tech ATDC.

Follow us on Twitter to see what we're working on now!

Best, Calvin, Paul & Lance

@cyu @Stammy @lance

You can read all about my work with Skribit in these blog posts.

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