The 2006 Bloggie awards are coming around soon and you have the opportunity of nominating your favorite bloggers up until January 10th (yeah, I know... not much time left). It would mean a lot to me if everyone (or mostly everyone) visited the Bloggie awards site and nominated for "best teen weblog" as well as whatever other category you feel suits earning my recognition. I really think I have a chance in the teen weblog category at least. If I get enough nominations, I proceed to the voting round and have the possibility of being a finalist. Before you do anything just yet, there is only one allowed nomination form per person and you have to nominate at least three different blogs as well as provide full URLs ( Thanks, now get to nominating! If you have no clue of other blogs to nominate, consider Matt Brett, Michael Heilemann's Binary Bonsai and (group). Actually, just about any site in 9rules deserves a nomination.

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