On Sunday I'll be flying out to Sunnyvale (first class, courtesy of Yahoo!) to help out with Yahoo's Time Capsule Camp which takes place on Monday November 6th. I blogged about this event a while back, looking for participants to join us. Basically it is a day long event at Yahoo's HQ where roughly 100 people will be taking part in a series of activities to create various forms of media for Yahoo's Time Capsule project.

There are still some spots open so please email timecapsulecamp@yahoo.com to sign up if you're interested and available to participate for the full day. Here's the agenda:

  • 8:30 am Registration, breakfast, orientation

  • 10:00 am Shuttles depart for scavenger hunt in Palo Alto

  • 1:00 pm Lunch in Palo Alto

  • 2:30 pm Shuttles return to Y! HQ

  • 3:00 pm Workshops and media making

  • 5:00 pm Mix and mingle, appetizers and beverages, view presentations

  • 7:00 pm Event concludes

We'll take a playful, collaborative approach to documenting moments of human experience. The day starts with breakfast and some quick introductions, followed by a scavenger hunt played in teams with cameras and cell phones in downtown Palo Alto. After lunch, we'll show you how to upload your work to the Yahoo! Time Capsule, and learn how to use Yahoo! tools and toys for making and sharing digital media "“ including Yahoo! Video, Jumpcut, and Flickr. The day will end with a closing celebration at URL's, Yahoo!'s landmark cafeteria. Expect some fun surprises"¦

After Time Capsule Camp on Monday, I'll be having dinner with David Ulevitch and Allison Rhodes of OpenDNS. If you have any questions for them regarding OpenDNS or Phishtank, let me know and I'll try to get them answered for you. OpenDNS is the revolutionary startup that dramatically speeds up your web experience by caching DNS requests and other techy things I have no clue about. The New York Time's David Pogue took a look at OpenDNS earlier this week and loved it so much that he "even would have paid for it."

OpenDNS will be attending ISPCON Nov. 7-9, a conference for internet service providers... maybe they'll have something to announce?

Now, I just have to decide what to do on the 5 hour flight - likely work on my information design project, an online Ajax RSS aggregator with user accounts.

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