I've recently acquired a WordPress.com "Golden Ticket." WordPress.com is, to the best of my knowledge, the first free WordPress powered blogging solution. It is currently only a beta, open to a small number of users, but it is a great way to start blogging with the great WordPress software.

Rules & Directions: I will give out my one invite to anyone I do not know personally that replies to this post with their proposition as to what they will do with it and what kind of blog they want to set up. The best reply gets the golden ticket! This giveaway ends Sunday, the 25th of September at midnight Eastern time. If there are no responses or no worthy replies, I will either extend the giveaway or put the Golden Ticket on eBay. The only thing I must ask of the winner is to link to this website on the blogroll.

WordPress.com is an easy and powerful way to start blogging. Why Blog?

  • Connect with an audience of dozens to millions.
  • Stop sending mass emails to everyone.
  • Archive your thoughts.
  • Why the heck not?

EDIT: I am now aware that every WordPress.com invite gives that person one invite. So if everyone is willing to cooperate, I would be able to give everyone that replies a golden ticket. For example, I would send the invite to one person, who would set up an account, then send their one invite to the email address of the next person, which I provide to them.

Note: Comment moderation is in use! If your post does not appear it is because I have not approved it yet. Don't worry if it doesn't show up by the deadline, WordPress tells me what time you posted the comment.

Handcrafted by Stammy for 19.54 years · Comments