WordPress 2.5 came out earlier today. I just updated and am going to give the gallery features a whirl with this test post. I have actually been tinkering a lot with customizing a gallery for this site a while ago using Gallery2 but overall it was too bulky and slow for my liking. While WordPress 2.5's gallery features are much more basic, hopefully it will "just work" and be what I need to organize all the photos I take with each review and so on.

How are you liking WordPress 2.5? I think it's the most remarkable WordPress update since I've been using WordPress. Version 2 was a big jump but 2.5 has a totally revamped admin panel that just gets out of your way as Matt Mullenweg said in one of the WordPress 2.5 Release Candidate screencasts. I think it does that quite well.

Below are some pictures from the Georgia Tech Auto Show that went down today. To use the gallery feature in WordPress 2.5 just upload photos to a post and type in "gallery" and enclose it in brackets, although there is a button to do this for you in the image manager.

Update: Seems like I'll have to edit my theme a bit to support image navigation and larger images.


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