I'm not one for politics... I'm actually rather apathetic about most political issues. One thing, however, that instantly caught my attention was how John Edwards is absolutely rocking it when it comes to making a presence online. He has accounts on dozens of social networking sites and just made one on twitter, even going so far as to friend me. Of course, Mr. Edwards also has a blog setup.

Twitter John Edwards

This year's political race is getting rather interesting as presidential candidates harness the power of the Internet. I've been told that Barack Obama has a flickr account as well. What do you think about this whole thing? I think it's great. Although, instead of having a vote to select the president, they should tally up each candidate's number of friends on each social networking service and the person with the most friends wins. It won't be too long until you hear people say "ZOMG! I'm in John Edwards' top 8 on MySpace!".

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