Havi Hoffman, my hiring manager from Yahoo!, has written up a post on Yodel Anecdotal about this past Monday's Time Capsule Camp. There were about 70 of us and the day began with a scavenger hunt in downtown Palo Alto. We were split up into 8 or so groups, each with a mobile phone and camera. We were given questions via the phone and answered the questions with photos or video clips. The company that setup the game had planted several people throughout the area that were in on the game.

After lunch we took the media we created from the scavenger hunt and uploaded it to Flickr, Jumpcut and Yahoo! Video, with some of the media also making its way to Yahoo!'s Time Capsule. Later during the day, Bre Pettis from MAKE magazine flew his aerial photography rig over Yahoo! campus.

The balloon-powered aerial photography rig remote-controlled by Bre

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