I just got back from the midnight showing of Disney/Pixar's latest flick, Wall•E. I'm here to recommend that you see it at your earliest convenience. I am no movie critic but I can easily tell you it was great and not more than a few minutes passed between theater-wide laughter (Rotten Tomatoes rates it at 98%). If you have a Mac or have worked with them, you'll quickly notice a nice homage to Apple. I don't want to spoil it, but it's quite obvious and the audience will start clapping immediately.


If you haven't seen a midnight showing before, it is quite a different experience and brings out the more dedicated (and geeky) fans. Naturally, I ran into a more than a few classmates while waiting in line tonight.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about and are googling Wall•E, view the movie trailer. Now go on and order tickets for tonight. For the rest of you that saw it, what did you think?

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