I just wrapped up my final exams for this semester on Wednesday and will soon be boarding a flight to San Francisco for a week of vacation filled with visiting friends and exploring California again among other things. I will probably have some downtime to write here but if not I thought I would put this up. In the meantime, I'm sure my Flickr stream and Twitter account will be quite busy.

San Francisco Photo I took last year looking down a street in SF from Coit Tower.

Similar to my last visit, I plan on taking many photos of companies and startups I visit. I will be accompanied by my roommate and we are likely going to rent a car and drive to Los Angeles to visit some friends, then head to San Diego to see the Red Bull Air Race and swing by Barcamp San Diego if time permits.

Upcoming posts will probably include my Dash Express GPS review, a post about Little Shoot (I'm a beta tester) and a review of Summize's powerful Twitter search.

Today's agenda most likely includes visiting Pownce, OpenDNS and the GigaOM Hadoop meetup. I start summer classes on May 12th so I will be enjoying this little getaway as much as possible.

Do you have any recommendations for must see/do things in the bay area? Robert Scoble's Upcoming account is quite helpful when trying to find things to do.

Handcrafted by Stammy for 19.46 years · Comments