Over the past month or two, I've been jumping around from feed reader to feed reader. I used to be a faithful FeedLounge user but a mixture of me getting a MacBook which will keep me mobile and aggravation at the fact that FeedLounge does not update frequently and doesn't support favicons (in addition to some overall sluggishness) has gotten me running for other choices. I was originally drawn to FeedLounge as it was a way to keep track of my feeds regardless of which computer I was on and where I was. However now that I have one main computer, I don't need to necessarily have a web-based feed aggregator. I've branched out to using NetNewsWire and just now NewsFire. NewsFire has the advantage of being one of the most beautiful OS X apps.


After using NewsFire it quickly becomes apparent that feeds were meant to be read in such a simple manner. No fancy 3-column layout or cluttered toolbar is needed for reading your feeds. Just a well thought out interface, with options for customization like NewsFire delivers. Josue over at TUG mentioned this a long time ago.. I should have listened to him then.


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