Similar to Best Buy's ill-fated Geek Squad (just search for Geek Squad on digg and you'll see what I mean), Circuit City has Firedog, although Firedog won't charge you 415 to replace a hard drive. Getting to the point, Circuit City held a "firedog Across America" contest this past winter to donate money to America's firefighters.

Now they need to select the 100k grand prize winning firehouse. If you can spare a few seconds, head over there and vote for the firehouse you think deserves to win the most. Regardless if that firehouse wins or not, they will receive 1 from your vote. They have also setup a YouTube page where you can learn more about the 10 finalists. Maybe one day, one of these firehouses will be saving your Mac after your eBay-purchased UPS explodes. Don't feel bad if the finalist you voted for doesn't win, they still receive 20k for much-needed equipment.

Voting wraps up on May 13th with the winner announced the week of May 14th.

Oh and speaking of computer repair..

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