A guy named Colin from Houston is holding a contest for someone to come up with a way to dual-boot Windows XP on an Apple MacBook Pro. Donations to the site have brought the prize money to over 4,000 so far. Colin apparently has a MacBook Pro on the way and told his boss that it would replace his IBM desktop. While it is a rather lofty goal considering XP is made for a BIOS which is dramatically different from the EFI-based OS X for Intel architecture. However, he's got a lot of support as you can see Delicious Monster having donated 1,000 already. I'm all for this, I can definitely see myself owning a MacBook in the not so distant future and running XP would be great. With the X1600 GPU, gaming on the MacBook would be feasible.

My MacBook is shipping on the 15th of February. I told my boss that this would replace my IBM desktop and I could boot Windows XP on it. I am still confident it can be done. I am pledging 100 of my own money and offering anyone else who would like the instructions on how to Dual boot these two operating systems the ability to donate some of their money into the pot as a reward for the person / group that can make dual-booting Mac OS X and Windows XP happen on an Intel Mac. Good Luck,


On his personal site, Colin has a post listing why he wants the system to be dual-boot, i.e. reasons he needs XP and OS X.

Reasons I need OS X:

Presentations - Keynote is miles ahead of powerpoint. I can copy and paste from illustrator, drop in pdfs and the transitions are gorgeous. We have received many WOWs from customers when using Keynote PDFs - I generate reports where I have Excel files embedded in Word Documents. In windows, the colors in the embedded excel file dont print. In my Mac in Office 2004"¦ Continue Reading at Colin's Site

Update: This thing has gotten huge! I've donated as well, my name should be on that page shortly.

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