Uncrate has posted a simple list of 10 items that can help you pimp your new MacBook. I was a little disappointed that many dealt with the same concept - eg, several cases were displayed. I also can't say that Windows XP is "pimping" anything. But the list did mention the Invisible Shield, which I recently took for a test drive.

Uncrate also mentions upgrading to 2GB of RAM, which I completely support. However, they suggested purchasing RAM from OWC. While a worthy Apple supplier, OWC's offering of 2GB of RAM will run you a hefty 215. When upgrading my MacBook, I opted for 2GB of G.SKILL DDR2-667 from Newegg which cost 160 (2x1GB). As for the case, I went the route of a stylin' SF Bags sleeve case.

My final pet peeve of the article was the last mention for the keyboard. While I'm sure the Logitech keyboard and mouse combo mentioned is great (I've got several Logitech products myself), the entire setup is not bluetooth. Instead it uses RF and requires a dongle - not the most streamlined setup for a Mac user with design in mind, wanting minimal cable clutter. A simple Apple wireless keyboard and mouse can make for a much more pleasurable computing experience. For that uber user, you can't go wrong with the Logitech G5 Laser mouse with adjustable weights as used by me.

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