For those of you that decided, like me, a long nap was a better way to spend 6 hours rather than watching the Oscars, you've missed out on the first Apple iPhone commercial. Fortunately, Dan at UNEASYsilence was able to find an HD version of the commercial for your consumption. The ad is rather simple and goes through dozens of movie clips where people pick up their phone. I liked the commercial overall because of the Back to the Future clip with Michael J. Fox. Although I wished they showed off some of the iPhone's features.

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The first person to correctly list, in order, every TV show/movie clip used in the iPhone ad will receive 10 Internets.

In other news, Everton Blair of Connected Internet has been running a weekly series called "Pimp My Blog" where people can give advice to the featured blogger. My blog is up for this week's pimping. If you have any feedback to make this site a better place, feel free to drop a line. So far, it has been suggested that I revamp my archives page to make it easier to find older posts - perhaps have a page that lists each post by month or category, similar to Pronet's archives?

In school news, I'm fiddling with the YouTube API to create a simple mashup that analyzes the buzz surrounding the Oscars for my computational journalism class. YouTube's API is nice to work with because their feeds for particular tag searches have data for every single video (1800+ with the particular feed I'm using). Although they use Unix time for the time a video was uploaded... tsk, tsk.

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