Apple has released OS X 10.4.9 today, so run your software update now. On my Macbook the update runs 99.4 megabytes. As you might expect, 10.4.9 is the last major update to Tiger until Leopard's launch. The update is rather comprehensive and includes a good deal of performance and security fixes.

The 10.4.9 Update is recommended for PowerPC and Intel-based Mac computers currently running Mac OS X Tiger version 10.4.8 and includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes or compatibility updates for the following applications and technologies:

  • RAW camera support
  • Handling of large or malformed images that could cause crashes
  • Image capture performance
  • Mouse scrolling and keyboard shortcuts
  • Font handling
  • Playback quality, and bookmarks in DVD Player
  • USB video conferencing cameras for use with iChat
  • Bluetooth devices
  • Browsing AFP servers
  • Apple USB Modem
  • Windows-created digital certificates
  • Open and Print dialogs in applications that use Rosetta on Intel-based Macs
  • Time zone and daylight saving for 2006 and 2007
  • Security updates

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website:

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