I have decided to roll out a new feature here on PaulStamatiou.com. Sponsored Links will be a cluster of links that sit in the sidebar and are visible on every page. I have always been against monetizing this site and have kept the advertisements as low-key as possible. However, Yahoo doesn't seem to be providing relevant ads and what ads exist don't pull in much at all. I figured I would let readers plug their sites. If you run a tech-related site, you really can't get advertising much more targeted than here.

Here's how it works. If you're interested in having your link displayed in my sidebar, drop me a line, tell me a tad about your site and provide a link. Sites that are in good nature, informative and bear no resemblance to spam sites will get approved easily. Upon payment of $50 USD via PayPal, your link will be posted for exactly 1 month. I can make no guarantee regarding uptime as there are times when the server might act weird when extreme traffic makes its way over here.

Until the end of May 2006, I will be offering a one-month link for a price of $25 USD. If you've been an avid reader, purchasing a sponsored link is a great way to contribute to the site and boost your traffic in return. This site has a Google Page Rank of 6 and daily traffic around here is generally above 2,000 uniques per day and roughly 40k-60k uniques per month as seen here.

To sum everything up, you get hits and the satisfaction of furthering the development of this blog and I get $50 USD (well more like 48 something after PayPal takes out its fees) which allows me to eat. Okay it's not that bad, but with an extra $50 from each link I won't have to pick up a job this summer and should be able to afford Ikea furniture for next semester's off-campus townhouse. Depending on how successful this little venture turns out, I might be able to completely remove Yahoo ads, which I've been wanting to do for some time.

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