The folks at Maximum PC magazine have compiled a roundup of four popular 23 and 24-inch LCD displays in their September 2006 issue. They took a look at the Dell 2407WFP (850), the Viewsonic VP2330wb (1.3k), the HP LP2465 (1k) and the Samsung 244T (1.1k). Dell's new 2407WFP beat the competition scoring a 9/10 while the HP scored a paltry 4/10, the Viewsonic a 7/10 and the Samsung scoring a 8/10.

The problem with most was their lack of performance with darker colors (ie, black appearing as gray). Compared to the others in the roundup, the Dell also looked the best. I wonder how the Apple 23-inch HD Cinema Display would have fared with the others, but that particular model is rather old. Hopefully come this week at WWDC, we will see some new Cinema Displays. For the time being, I'm doing just fine with my 20-inch Cinema Display.

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