I frequently receive emails from developers or PR people looking to inform me and you guys about new websites, services or products. From time to time I'll find a really interesting one and write up an entire article on it. As of recently I've been flooded with work (and emails) so I'll just point you guys to these websites before I run to the College of Computing to get some homework done. Beware: PR notice jargon lies ahead.

Power Snap - This one deserves a review in itself. Expansive shareware application that integrates with flickr almost entirely. I installed it on Vista and played around with it. Seems very powerful and loaded with features. Let me know what you think.

I noticed your blog comments about Flickr. A buddy of mine has started powersnap.com. He has a free automatic photo sharing s'ware app that's pretty nice and works with Flickr. A Mac version is due in late spring. As a Flickr person, I thought you mike like to know. Robert Grove

Quintura - Visual search engine. Neat concept although I think the implementation needs some maturing and more features. The "visual" part of Quintura is a bunch of associated words arranged similarly to a tag cloud, but relevance is conveyed through proximity to the center word you searched for.

Spokeo - yet another personal aggregation site

I wish to introduce a Web 2.0 project that I did with couple roommates from Stanford. Spokeo combines MySpace, LiveJournal, Flickr, Youtube, and 20 other social networks together. You can think it as Trillian for social networks. Spokeo allows people to track friends' blogs, photos, and videos across different social networks in a constantly updated "news stream". Spokeo also supports RSS/Atom feeds, meaning that people can access Spokeo to keep up with news, web comics, stock updates, and other syndicated content. Harrison Tang

Wired Deals - "just a tool to improve your bargain hunting"

Naymz - Online identity management web service, similar to Ziki

We definitely take a different approach to identity management and you will see that our user experience is intended for the simple web user - not your avid blogger. In addition, we offer not only the paid placement but also SEO for natural search engine placement. Nolan Bayliss

Terapad - Impressive blogging engine and CMS vaguely similar to WordPress.com. Unique features such as the ability to create a store with PayPal as well as start forums and integrate job search. It seems geared more to businesses that casual bloggers.

In a nutshell, Terapad.com's goal is to provide an incredibly modular online presence for individuals and small businesses alike by providing a vast array of publishing tools under one roof. For example, it starts as simple as a blog, but can also be expanded in seconds with a built in online shop, CMS, discussion forums, image gallery, even HR tools. Stephan Tual


Boxxet (pronounced "box set") brings together the "best of" news, blogs, photos, gear and much more on people's favorite subjects. Boxxet uses a unique combination of computer automation and community passion to produces the most diverse and complete best-of compilations on the Web's most popular and interesting subjects. With Boxxets on their favorite topics, users can discover the best content, find new authoritative news sources and bloggers, discover great photos and merchandising, and find fellow enthusiasts. All in one place! You Mon Tsang

Jotle - Google Maps, Wikimapia, Placeopedia mashup


Leafletter is a web based application which enables users to create miniature web sites ("Leaflets") and embed them into social networks, blogs, and other web sites with ease. A Leaflet is a miniature Flash based web site that can be displayed anywhere HTML is welcome. For instance, a Leaflet could be distributed to the About Me section of a MySpace Profile, the body of a Blog Entry, and in the Portfolio section of a photographer's Personal Website, all simultaneously. Michael Patrick

iJigg - Digg for music.

My friend and I, both students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, have started a site that is essentially a Digg for music. It allows artists to post their music, have it rated and share it through blogs, MySpace or Facebook. Monjurul Dolon

8apps - GTD meets social networking. "Brainstorm, Plan, Manage, Work, Discuss, Develop, Evolve."

RobinHood Fund

Robinhood Fund is the first community-based website where member-submitted wishes are granted through the wisdom of crowds. On January 18 we gave away 2 giant novelty cheques to the winners of our Naughty or Nice wish campaign. The 20,000 campaign is the site's largest promotion to date: David Dineen-Porter and Jeffrey Jasmine Antonick

Purple Nova

Our startup has created a freeware "Purplenova" that converts any Windows PC or USB Mass Storage Device into a secure web-server.Purplenova can host resources from any Windows PC (even behind NAT/Router/Proxy/Dynamic-IP). Hosted resources are accessed with their URLs through normal Internet Browsers without any plug-ins or additional software. It can be run off a USB Flash Drive (4.9MB footprint). URLs remain the same no matter wherever the drive is taken and connected. Aditya Athalye

Planet MiniBox

Planet MiniBox's shoutbox widget is a great companion to blogs, can be customized to suit any design, and best of all, it's free. The widget represents a revolution in blogger communication by providing a very powerful, convenient AJAX chat tool.


I was wondering if you might be interested in writing a review on the way 3D visualization is changing traditional business practices. I own a company called IDEAVIZ.com that is helping a diverse range of businesses use cost effective simulations, virtual reality, and other visual media to positively change the way they do business. Although I would love for you to feature my company, I think the real story is in the service itself. Alex

News of Future - Intriguing blog based around authoring news pieces of the future. Definitely a must-see.

It actually keeps me up at night, when I am making an attempt to map up and visualize the future as much as possible, at least for the next 50 years. It is based both on official reports and creative minds. The idea is though not about being wrong or right, but together come to a conclusion that could be relied on. Pontus Edenberg

Shipping Pal

Shipping Pal is the easiest way to ship anything in North America quickly and economically. In simple terms, Shipping Pal is to the courier and shipping industry what Travelocity is to the travel industry. The Shipping Pal website allows people to search for the best prices on shipping through a network of courier partnerships they've established with companies (like UPS and Purolator, to name two of the biggest) all across North America. At the click of a mouse, customers can compare delivery options and prices from over 40 first-rate courier firms and then place their order instantly. The primary audiences Shipping Pal is trying to reach are eBay sellers, small businesses, the broader consumer in general, and at this time of year in particular, holidays shoppers who ship. Chris Clarke

Notecentric - "A place for your class notes"

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