Keeping in-line with last year's successful Happy Holidays Contest, I introduce to you the second annual Happy Holidays Contest. I got a lot of great suggestions and comments with the last contest. Last year I gave away a year of free Media Temple hosting on their (ss) shared server. However, a lot of things have changed over at Media Temple since last year. They have moved to a new Tier 4 datacenter, began phasing out the (ss) line and replacing it with the powerful (gs) grid-server line as well as launched a corporate blog.
This year the prize is one whole year of Media Temple hosting on a grid-server - a prize valued at 20 * 12 = 240.
How to Enter the Contest
Subscribe to my RSS feed if you haven't already.
Leave a comment with the following, using a valid email address (that's how I contact you if you win):
Your favorite post on this year.
Link to your favorite tech blog, not including mine.
Mention what kind of computer you use most of the time.
What are you hoping to get for the holidays?
I will read all of the comments and select the most informative or interesting one as the winner. Your chances of winning may increase if you blog about this contest and send over a trackback.
The contest ends on Christmas Eve, the 24th, at midnight EST. I will contact the winner by email and instruct them to email Jason McVearry at Media Temple who helped me out with this contest to setup their new (gs) account.
By the way, I did end up visiting the 5th Avenue Apple store. It's huge!