I just thought I would leave you guys with this link, google.com/cl2, before I called it a night. I can definitely see myself using this more than my 30 Boxes account, which hasn't been touched in weeks. I haven't played around with CL2 too much but I don't think it can possibly be less than stellar.

My Justification

  • CL2 is made by Google
  • Like all G-services it uses the same login and integrates with gmail
  • CL2 can send you SMS alerts to your cell phone for calendar events
  • iCal and MS Outlook calendar files may be imported
  • You can have multiple calendars such as School, Work and Personal
  • CL2 can keep track of public calendars as well as search them
  • Google doesn't promise too much with CL2 and everything just works

Handcrafted by Stammy for 19.46 years · Comments