With the recent release of the release candidate for Mozilla's first beta of Firefox 2.0, CyberNet Tech news has written a piece showing you how to tweak this latest Firefox release. The easy to follow article covers things like enabling the built-in session restore feature, altering the default behavior of tab scrolling (when you have many tabs open, it lets you scroll horizontally to show even more... eliminates micro tabs) and getting Firefox to recognize more feed readers. Definitely a read for the early Firefox beta adopter. Word on the tech avenue is that Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 will be rolled out this Tuesday.

Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 RC

The most looked forward to feature of Firefox 2.0 is the ability to easily view and subscribe to any feed. This advancement really brings RSS and other syndication technologies to the point where non-techies can use them with ease.

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