Apple Watch

Apple Watch

My 41mm Series 7

I'm not a watch person. Haven't been for a decade. Always felt it was annoying to have on my wrist and annoying to have on while typing.. but I became more and more intrigued with all the health tracking functionality that the Apple Watch brought to the table. I got my first Apple Watch in 2018, a 40mm Series 4. I've been wearing an Apple Watch ever since.

I now have the 41mm Apple Watch Edition Series 7 with Cellular. The primary value I get out of the Apple Watch is that I don't have to pull my phone out as often. I can see at a glance if a notification or alert is worth interacting with.

I also use Apple Pay on it all the time. Now I maintain a small collection of various straps to keep it interesting, but my daily driver is the sport loop band.


Apple Watch
Handcrafted by Stammy for 19.54 years · Comments