I mentioned a while ago that one of my courses this semester was helping out as a web intern/media manager for Georgia Tech's Solar Decathlon. In a nutshell, the Solar Decathlon is a competition established by the Department of Energy to spread awareness about alternative sources of energy while engaging 20 teams from different universities to build energy-efficient and solar-powered homes.

Georgia Tech was selected as one of these teams and my role in the project is to evaluate and redesign Georgia Tech's Solar Decathlon website (which I did not create). Long story short, I'm trying to get feedback on the current site, so if you've got the time or feel like procrastinating please drop a comment answering the following questions.

Current Site (http://solar.gatech.edu)

  1. Is this site easy or hard to navigate? What is easy about it? What is hard?

  2. What is the most informative section of the current site? Least informative?

  3. Was the content on this site what you expected it to be? If not, list what content you expected.

  4. Is the content easy to comprehend and read?

  5. List any general comments/questions that you have about the current site.

Future Site

  1. What information would you most like to know about the Solar Decathlon competition?

  2. What would you like to know about Georgia Tech's entry into the competition?

  3. What type of content would you like to see first?

  4. Would you rather have the basics or many details? (IE, how much content is too much?)

General Usability

  1. Where do you usually look for a site's navigation panel? (Top, left, right, bottom, etc)

  2. What size screen resolution do you usually use?

  3. What browser do you usually use? Is your browser usually maximized to the entire screen?

  4. Does the current site load quickly and should the future site load similarly or faster?

  5. Give an example of a site that you find easy to use (optional).

Thanks for the help.

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