Everyone's favorite do-it-all web browser, Flock, has just achieved two great milestones. Along with the long-awaited release of their first beta (v0.7), Flock welcomes a new website designed by the talented Bryan Veloso of Avalonstar fame. Flock's new website is the first major project for Bryan's new company that is sure to create astounding things. The design is very slick and a much appreciated upgrade over the older, barebones design. The new site also conveys the new features of Flock much better. A previous problem of Flock was just describing what it can do to other people. However, the new site covers all the bases with flash videos quickly going through each key feature as well as a tour of the browser.

You can expect a thorough review of Flock's first beta right here in the next day or so. If Flock sounds familiar to you, you might be remembering my review of the developer's preview of Flock several months ago. Things have definitely changed since then. In the meantime, why not download a copy of Flock for yourself? Oh and while you're on the download page, be sure to check out the "Raves" section where I've been quoted.


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