The day Flickr released printing capability for photos, I selected my favorite ten photos and ordered 4 by 6 prints. I ordered them with the economy mail option which estimated an arrival date of November 11th. It was a nice surprise that the Yahoo! Flickr printers are located in Norcross, GA as delivery was more than a week faster than expected. I was somewhat disappointed, though, as the email I got from my post office said from "Yahoo" and I was expecting my first check from the Yahoo Publisher Network (the contextual ads). Regardless, I ripped open the firm, bend-proof packaging to find a nice envelope with my photos and a flickr sticker! That sticker now adorns the top of my laptop. As to the quality of the pictures, I am not much of a photographer but from what I can tell the pictures turned out excellent (I ordered the glossy finish). I think this is partly due to the smart flickr system that won't let you print a low resolution picture at a large size; it detects the picture's dimesions and only displays the print options that would look best.