In case you didn't catch it, I wrote my first TechCrunch guest post earlier this month. It's aptly named First-Time Startup Entrepreneurs: Stop Fucking Around and it's my take on how first-time startuppers should work and get things done. Take a look at it and let me know what you think!

We are in an amazing time right now — perhaps the perfect time to build companies. And it pains me to see first-time entrepreneurs flush away this huge opportunity getting caught in the hype of how cool it is to do a startup, going to endless meetups and spending entirely too much time on Maserati problems when they’re not busy cargo cult coding. Startups are a grind. It may end with having to get a job, or it may end with a big smile and a Section 280G, but either way you’ll have learned a ton.

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I was a bit overwhelmed by the immensely positive reactions to this post. Many emails, 500+ new Twitter followers, lots of new Picplum customers and more. Just goes to show that I should blog more!

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