It's that time of year again. I will be locked away in my room studying for several finals and completing various class projects as this semester comes to an end. Naturally, it will be a little stagnant here for a while. Good luck to the students out there also coping with finals. As usual with finals week, I pack up whatever big monitor is taking up space on my desk and stash it away to keep me focused and reclaim most of my desk.

Georgia Tech Finals - Fall 2007

I have 3 finals and another class has a large project instead of a final. I just wrapped up a discrete math/proofs for computer scientists final this afternoon, have a HCI/UI Design final tomorrow and then a computing, society & professionalism final on Wednesday with 2 projects for an educational technology computer science class due Thursday and Friday.

After all that's done I'm flying out to NYC to do IT work for a client, and then I come home for what's left of my winter break. I won't have much time of my own in NYC, but if you live in the area leave a comment just in case I have the time to arrange some sort of impromptu meetup.

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