I spent a few hours tonight and turned my old Deviance theme into something I can actually release. Deviance is my name for my previous K2 mod. It is a narrow and clean single column K2-based theme for WordPress. It was created upon the latest stable K2 release, 167. Deviance supports the following WordPress plugins out of the box: Brian's Latest Comments, Related Entries, Ultimate Tag Warrior, Akismet Spam Count, Extended Live Archives and flickrRSS. Deviance also has built-in social bookmarking buttons on each permalink page. However, I narrowed it down to only digg, newsvine, ma.gnolia and del.icio.us. There are a few more that I commented out in deviance-comments.php. Deviance also features my famous comment guidelines. You can change them to your liking inside of deviance-guidelines.php.

Deviance Final You'll want to edit the header psd to include your header title and subtitle.


  • Deviance does not support AJAX comments, it messes up some things on permalink pages. Therefore you must disable AJAX commenting in WP admin > Presentation > K2 options. Also, you must select the proper K2 scheme, deviance.css on the same page. For flickrRSS to display properly you should set its options in WP admin > Presentation > flickrRSS to show 8 square images. Subpages aren't supported so try to consolidate your pages into main pages or link to them manually in main pages. I thought there was a small bug in theloop.php where it would show the date twice when searching for something but I couldn't find that error again, so be on the lookout. You must have both the related entries and brian's latest comments plugins enabled. You can't just have one or the other enabled.

  • Inside of the devianceK2/styles/deviance folder you will find a photoshop file for the header. I have enabled the use of the h1 header but it is a better idea for you to edit the header image to include your own title and subtitle. If you choose to do this, replace the CSS selector h1 in styles/deviance.css with h1{display:none;}.

  • Deviance relies on several heavily modified K2 files so upgrading to the next version of K2 will be a pain to say the least. This was a warning.

  • If you have any questions ask them here as I won't be supporting Deviance from now on.

  • To install, place the unzipped devianceK2 folder into your wp-content/themes folder and activate via WP admin > Presentation.

  • The Deviance code and CSS is 100% dirty. You can blame me for that. Don't expect XHTML standards compliance.

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