In addition to Google unveiling Hot Trends, an expansion of the Trends service which displays popular search terms for each day, Google will be upping the GMail file attachment limit. Currently, GMail users are limited to attaching files totaling no more than 10MB. The new attachment limit is now 20MB, although it likely won't be rolled out in its entirety for a short while, reports Mashable.

I moved to Google Apps Premier Edition

I'm wondering if this file attachment update will also occur with GMail for Your Domain users. Last week, after a troublesome experience trying to email photos from my cell phone to myself I decided to move from my GMail account as my primary email address to and utilize my shorter domain for email. I purchased and setup Google Apps for Your Domain Premier Edition and have been ever so pleased with it. The Premier Edition (there's a trial running until the end of May) of Google Apps for Your Domain has 10GB of storage and an important 99.9% uptime guarantee. No more GMail outages for me. Update: Just found out Google Apps Premier Edition made the #1 spot on PCWorld's 100 Best Products of 2007 list.

If you tried to contact me (and I haven't replied) via my contact form last week I might not have received it. Apparently WordPress 2.2 has problems with using Google Apps For Your Domain GMail accounts, or at least me and one other person.


Slim Devices Squeezebox Slim Devices Squeezebox

When I reviewed the top-notch Sonos Digital Music System earlier this month, I received several comments and emails from people asking if there was something more within their price range considering a simple Sonos setup exceeds 1,000. As a sort of follow-up review, I'll be taking a look at the Slim Devices Squeezebox in the coming weeks. Priced at 299, I think it fills in the gap quite nicely. I can tell you I already love this thing - it supports Pandora and Rhapsody, my two favorite Internet music services.

Update: Sonos just recently updated their units to add support for Pandora.

flickrSLiDR Update

Finally, the flickr tool I launched on Friday (flickrSLiDR) has received overwhelming attention - over 30,000 pageviews in the first 3 days. As of this writing, over 7,100 slideshows have been created with flickrSLiDR. Not bad for a small project I thought I was going to use myself more than anyone else.

I have a handful ideas I would like to incorporate into it, but that all depends on how much time my 3 summer classes will take up.

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