The Daniel Kovach Scholarship Foundation is gearing up to give away another impressive blogging scholarship for eligible college students (U.S. citizen, quality blog, full-time post-secondary education student). This time the check is for a whopping $10,000. I participated in last year's blogging scholarship and took home a runner up scholarship of $1,000. If you meet those scholarship requirements, you have until October 6th to apply.

Blogging Scholarship

Now for my thoughts on the process of last year's blogging scholarship. The final winner is chosen via public vote, also known as a popularity contest, and not how I believe it should be done: with a group of qualified judges proficient with blogs selecting the winner based on blog merits, accolade and content value. As such, I spent hours (away from homework) soliciting friends, family and companies to get a few votes for me, in addition to effectively spamming my own site asking for votes. Hopefully next year's blogging scholarship will take a different approach towards selecting a winner.

Regardless of the process, I must commend Daniel Kovach for taking the initiative to establish a blogging scholarship - who would have thought such a thing would exist? When it comes to paying tuition, every bit helps, as cited by the bill for one of my recent semesters:

Georgia Tech Tuition

Good luck to those submitting their blog.

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