24ways.org, the amazingly helpful and interesting "web geek advent calendar" organized by Yahoo! employee Drew McClellan, has finished for 2006. The 24 article run began on December 1st of this year and ended today with Dan Cederholm's article about gravity-defying page corners.


24 ways began last year as a..

festive blog designed to act a bit like a seasonal advent calendar. Instead of counting down the days to Christmas with little cardboard doors, allow me to present 24 web development tips and tricks from myself and my good friends.

I've found just about every article useful in some way or another and am always telling people to check out the site, so here it is. The articles I found most interesting this year included Andy Budd's approach to rounded corner boxes with CSS3, where I learned about multiple background images on the same div, Veerle's tutorial about utilizing meshes in Adobe Illustrator as well as Rachel Andrew's post about using PHP to create CSS constants.

Now, only if someone could create a blog like 24 ways that constantly dished out high-caliber content every day... then again, Vitamin is pretty sweet.

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