Depending on where you reside, 2008 will be arriving shortly or is just a countdown away. This blog more than doubled in subscribers in 2007 so I want to take this time and do another "roll call" type post. The spotlight will turn to you and I ask you to post a comment, especially if you have never done so before, and let the other readers and myself know who you are.

Let us know what you do, where you're from, what you're interested in, what you want to see on this blog in 2008, talk about that funny thing your dog does or whatever. Even if you comment on every post, feel free to talk about yourself a bit. It's great to get to know the people that read my articles.

I wish you all a happy, successful and safe 2008. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look at my new year's resolution.

Paul Stamatiou in Times Square

As for what I'll be doing tonight, I definitely won't be crowded in at Times Square. I went two weeks ago and it was still fairly packed.. I can't imagine what it will be like tonight.

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