Yahoo!, in collaboration with AC Nielsen and a group of companies, government entities, etcetera, has launched a campaign to raise awareness about energy efficient light bulbs. is the location of the attractively-designed campaign, complete with a Yahoo! Maps mashup that lets you see how your city and state rank up in terms of CFL purchases.


The site is filled with energy conservation facts and tips with the site's name stemming from the average amount of time it takes to swap out a light bulb with a CFL-variant. Living off-campus in college with other broke college guys, I know a thing or two about energy conservation. Every light in our townhouse is fluorescent. We stay away from those weak Ikea and generic CFL bulbs and use a powerful bulb from a company called Nvision. They offer a "daylight" color bulb which doesn't use much power but is amazingly bright (8 for 2 at Home Depot).

18 Seconds - Change a Bulb. Change Everything. Please don't tell the land lady I nailed something into the wall...

Yodel Anecdotal has the details on this new energy conservation awareness campaign.

Today, a group of companies, government entities, non-profits, religious groups, academic institutions and individuals are launching a campaign to educate Americans about the cost-savings and environmental benefits of CFLs. is a movement about empowering the individual: Every person in America can literally change the world in one easy step.

This campaign reminds me of when I was in California over the summer and power consumption was of huge concern. People would monitor of this website with a live graph of the actual power consumption and power grid capacity. When the red touched the green, there was a chance of a blackout.

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