I have recently surpassed 1 million hits on PaulStamatiou.com since September 12th, 2005. This blog is a bit older than that, but Sept. 12th was the first date I started using blogtopsites. I would have used Mint to track overall traffic but my Mint database had corrupted when upgrading from Mint 1.14 to 1.20. I should have followed Shaun's instructions. Regardless, today is a day of celebration! Thanks to everyone that has ever read one of my articles, pinged my feed or left a (nice) comment. Achieving 1 million hits on a blog that had its humble beginnings, served on a Mac Mini with a cable connection moving up to being a 9rules blog, partnered with Media Temple and having breached the Technorati Top 1000 blogs is definitely something I am proud of.

In celebration of this landmark I will be having a little contest to give back to the same readers that helped get it all started. This contest will be a little different than most of my contests. It will be in the form of a caption contest. Just leave a quote for what you think the picture below should have as a caption.

Snow Dog Think of some witty caption and drop a comment!

To help with the prizes, Victor Cajiao has graciously donated 50 to be spent on iTunes Music Store gift certificates. If there is only one great caption that stands out, that person will win the 50 iTMS gift certificate. If there is a tie or runner-up, I will split it up into two gift certificates. I will be sending them by email so please double-check that you are using the proper email address. Thanks again to Victor. You can catch Victor on his two great podcasts - Typical PC User and Typical Mac User. Each person can submit at most 2 captions. This contest will only last for a day or two, so get your entries in ASAP. Let the celebration begin!

Update: Dominic Rivera from TheBloggingTimes.com has just donated another 50 to the contest. In order to make use of the larger prize, I will be extending the contest an extra day. Also, the new caption limit is 3. So if you only included 2 but have another idea, you may enter again. Thanks to Minic for the donation and I hope this contest ends a success. I will close the contest sometime on Friday by leaving a comment and I will then deliberate with my roommates on which captions will be winners. Likely, there will be 2 or more winners so your odds have increased substantially.

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