Arc Browser on MacArc Browser

Arc from The Browser Company has been my primary desktop web browser for over 2 years now, replacing Chrome for me. I've been very happy with it. The big question is likely why do I use it over Chrome?

That's a great question and I'm sure every Arc user will have a slightly different answer. For me it's a mix of the following:

  • Vertical Tabs - First off, I've grown quite fond of having my tabs displayed vertically. It's a small thing, but makes it easier to deal with a lot of tabs.

  • Spaces - Arc Spaces also help with tab organization. The sidebar with your tabs is a "Space", and you can customize each one, and easily swipe over to other Spaces. I have spaces for personal, work, and generally something else I might be researching at a given moment and want separate from my other tabs.

    Spaces can also be visually customized with different colors. It's a small thing but I love it.

  • Link Previews - You can get a quick summary of any link by simply hovering over it.

  • Ask on Page - Integrated with regular webpage "find" functionality is "Ask On Page" where you can ask questions about the page you're on. It doesn't use the best LLM for this, and it can't work with long pages, but it's fine for some pages.

Arc has a mobile app called Arc Search as well, but it hasn't become my main mobile browser.

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