Earlier in the year I introduced you to Intype, a Windows text editor that looked promising despite being in the alpha stage of development. Six months later Intype is still in alpha and not exactly ready for people to use full-time. Enter e. The e text editor has come out of beta and can be had in a stable final release.

E Text Editor

It combines support of popular TextMate bundles, personal revision control, a familiar interface (if you've used TextMate), and integration of cygwin for a unix scripting environment (ultra handy if you often deal with Ruby, Perl, etc).

E Text Editor

Similar to TextMate, e is not free and will run you a moderate $35 USD. I obviously don't do a lot of work on Windows boxes and I previously used the mediocre (in my opinion) Notepad ++ editor, but I think e is pretty much as close as you can get to a stable version of TextMate on Windows. You can take e for a test drive with their trial download here (4.5MB).

What text editor do you use when coding in Windows?

E Text Editor

Thanks to Trish Jones for the tip.

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