My good friends at ACS have finally begun to divulge information about their upcoming web service, Serph. I have used Serph since its infancy and can tell you it's a powerful service. What kind of service you ask? I'd better leave that up to them.

When you type a query into Serph, it goes out and searches online social media sites to find the latest buzz. After it gathers the results, they are sorted and organized so the most recent buzz appears first. Serph gathers these results from blog search engines, social media websites, social news websites and social bookmarking websites. These include Technorati, Flickr, Yahoo Answers, YouTube, Digg, and Delicious just to name a few.

However, for me the great part about Serph is the feature that allows you to subscribe to dynamic RSS feeds for particular searches. For example, if I was an egomaniac, and that's a big if, I could subscribe to the Serph feed for the "Paul Stamatiou" query and always know who's talking about me. In a nutshell, Serph is a buzz tracker and Technorati killer in the making. As Michael Arrington has pointed out, Technorati is on the decline after many rounds of venture capital funding that had almost no improvement on their traffic.

As I noted in the title, Serph is now in a public beta so it's actually possible that you'll be granted an account.

Disclosure: ACS is a current advertiser (for CrazyEgg) on this website and they bought me dinner a while back.

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