Built with Next.js2024—Now
Built from the ground up; an entirely new site and design from scratch. Posts are now Markdown based with custom components (MDX files), such as a new photoset component, footnotes, and more. Hosted on Vercel, with most media on CloudFront.
Built with Jekyll (static site generator)2011—2024
Custom theme for the entire period, hosted on a server at first, then with static files directly on AWS S3 with CloudFront, then with Netlify.
Built with WordPress2005—2011
With various themes (K2, my mod Deviance, my theme 281, a modified Thesis theme), hosted on various servers: locally on my G4 Mac Mini, then on MediaTemple.


Over several months in 2024 I began slowly designing and building the current site from scratch. It no longer uses the Jekyll static site generator in favor of Next.js.

Posts are all now converted to Markdown (MDX files); when I was on Jekyll I mostly wrote posts with HTML markup. It's hosted on Vercel, with some media still hosted on CloudFront. More to come about how I built it.

PaulStamatiou.com in late 2024
2021 - 2024
PaulStamatiou.com in 2024
PaulStamatiou.com gear page in 2022

Gear page with custom-designed SVG icons for each category

PaulStamatiou.com in late 2021
PaulStamatiou.com in 2021

I used to have a section called "Briefs" where I put smaller posts.

PaulStamatiou.com in 2019
PaulStamatiou.com about page in 2019
PaulStamatiou.com in 2017
PaulStamatiou.com in 2015
PaulStamatiou.com in 2013
PaulStamatiou.com in 2011

It was in 2011 that I moved away from WordPress to Jekyll.

PaulStamatiou.com in 2010
PaulStamatiou.com in 2009
PaulStamatiou.com in 2008
PaulStamatiou.com in 2006
PaulStamatiou.com in late 2005
PaulStamatiou.com in 2005
Handcrafted by Stammy for 19.00 years · Comments