On the flight back to Atlanta today I was without my laptop, which is at Apple's repair depot for who knows how long, and started to think of things geeks tend to do when they get bored. I had considered making a "you know you X when.."-type post similar to one of my favorite posts, You Know You Go To a Tech School When... but I figured I would just ask you what you do when there's nothing else to be done, or everything else is being ignored?
Do you do any of these geeky things when bored?
browse the recent and random code postings on clipboard services like Pastie
emerge world on your Gentoo Linux box
check your website's traffic stats
participate in meaningless banter on miscellaneous tech forums
spec out your next file server on Newegg
kill -9 non-responsive processes hogging up too much of your system's resources (great video)
practice your power napping skills
run a Google Code search for "here be dragons" or expletives
recompile your kernel, ignoring options and modules you don't ever use
write the about page for that tech startup of yours that never seems to get established
attempt to code FizzBuzz in esoteric programming languages like Chef (I've actually had to use Chef for a class last year) and Brainfuck
think up amazing get-rich-quick schemes so you can actually afford Adobe's CS3 line of creative applications (Photoshop CS3 is 771! I wonder what the educational version runs for..)
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