The new iMacs have a Broadcom 802.11n network adapter that, while hidden in OS X, is visible in Vista. The speculation is that Apple's upcoming iTV set top box will make use of 802.11n and at that time Apple will release a software or firmware update enabling OS X to use the adapter.

9rules CEO Paul Scrivens put together a list of the Top 10 Web 2.0 Losers and discusses the reasons why companies like Odeo, Netscape and Squidoo are failing.

Finally, Derek Punsalan has an all-encompassing article that helps you breathe new life into OS X's Front Row. He covers getting Front Row to play XviD and other video file types (as I mentioned a while back), as well as ripping DVDs and showing Front Row how to recognize external directories.

Techmeme, everyone's favorite automated blog content finder site thing, has begun using a sponsorship model. For the low price of 3k-4.5k you can advertise your latest blog posts to Techmeme's 15k/day unique visitors for one month. The coolest thing about these ads is that the ad content is delivered by RSS so if the ad is tied to your blog's feed, when you post a new article, the ad changes to reflect that. This is the first time I have seen these "RSS powered" ads.

You might be interested in the Agenda Setters 2006 list, which includes people like Craig Newmark, the creator of Craigslist, Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield, the creators of Flickr, as well as Dave Winer, creator of RSS.

Adobe released Photoshop Lightroom Beta 4 today. The download is currently free to the public. Meanwhile, Apple released Aperture 1.5 at their special event at Photokina. Apple announced that Aperture 1.5 will be a free upgrade for current Aperture customers. introduces VIP Hosting for super bloggers. For a 500 setup fee and a recurring 250 monthly hosting fee you get a fully customizable account, the ability to use your own domain name and you won't have to worry about maintaining your server. They say VIP hosting is ideal for bloggers that regularly receive over 100,000 pageviews per month. I was a bit over 200,000 pageviews last month but fortunately I will never have to worry about dealing with server issues, being a part of Media Temple's own VIP program.

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