Right now is a great time to start a blog. The powerful K2 interface with the sleek Deviance mod will guarantee you readers that do not just glance and leave. Intrigued readers will be lured in from the get-go; the way it should be.

How Deviance Was Born

In mid-September, PaulStamatiou.com went through several design phases. The latter and best of which you are currently viewing. I have received many positive responses from readers about my mod, all of which requested a formal release. I asked some more people for their opinions. After many of these requests I figured people weren't playing so I sat down for about 6 hours, cleaned up my CSS, wrote some instructions and then wrote this post. The slick name Deviance just popped into my head. I double checked by visiting my Oxford's Dictionary widget and was happily surprised as the definition goes right inline with what this mod is all about; being different.

deviance 1: a state or condition markedly different from the norm 2: deviate behavior

More Info Please

Deviance is more than a scheme. It's a full mod, including adding a comments icon and changing default comment numbering behavior, making the header graphic clickable, adding RSS icons and adding a Technorati icon for tags. Everything you need is included, psd's for the header and footer graphic and instructions galore. Don't believe it? Check out the README.

You have waited long enough, so now I present do you Deviance, the uber K2 Mod. Download, be amazed then spread the word!

Sorry, I have discontinued Deviance.

Before Deviance
some Deviance tweaks accidentally show in this screenshot

Before Deviance

After Deviance

Deviance Release 1

Handcrafted by Stammy for 19.51 years · Comments